
Showing posts with the label Cache

IsLanguageFallbackValid Field Cache Tunning in Sitecore

In continuation of the cache tunning, if your website is multilingual then you may need to tune the isLanguageFallbackValid field cache value. The initial thought was it could be tuned using the Small Cache Size as <setting name="Caching.SmallCacheSize" set:value="200MB" />  But "Caching.SmallCacheSize" no longer controls isLanguageFallbackValid due to a Feature Request with reference number 221831.  Starting with Sitecore 9.2, the cache size now depends on setting Caching.IsFallbackValid.DefaultCacheSize To find out about how to tune cache in Sitecore,  See the blog post- Cache Tunning in Sitecore To find out more about monitoring and tuning cache on CD Server, see the blog post- Monitor and Tune Cache on CD Server Happy Sitecoreing  ðŸ˜Š

Monitor and Tune Cache on CD Server

On the CM server, it's easy to monitor the Sitecore cache in CMS and we can tune it accordingly. It's under the Administration tool provided by Sitecore. You can access it directly from the URL i.e. {your-sitecore-instance}/sitecore/admin/cache.aspx OR browse it from the Administrative page. But on a Content Delivery server, access to the administrative pages usually is not available hence there is no direct option available to monitor Sitecore Cache for the CD server. In this blog, I will explain how to monitor cache tunning on a CD server. Go to the CD server and check the App_Data\diagnostics\health_monitor folder. You will get their file named CacheStatus.20230412Z.141522Z.html where 20230412Z.141522Z is a time stamp. (Sitecore saves a copy of the cache.aspx page every ten minutes) Note: Most of the cases you will get the file under the folder but in case you cannot find the file then you need to enable

Sitecore Azure CDN Setup for Media

Sitecore website performance will impact if you have a large number of media items on pages and it comes from the media library. To increase performance, use a Microsoft Azure® Content Delivery Network (CDN) with Sitecore Media in your solution.  Here in this blog post, I am discussing how to configure the Azure CDN with your Sitecore solution so that your media library items are retrieved from the CDN and increase performance. If you are using Sitecore Managed Cloud Service then either you will already have CDN setup on your prod environment or you can create a service request to Sitecore to create an app service for CDN else you can refer to the Sitecore document about CDN setup considerations . Configuration In Sitecore: Before you can setup the Sitecore Media Library to use CDN in your solution you must have Sitecore XP or XM 9.1 or later CDN endpoint Step 1: Go to the path {your Sitecore root instance}\App_Config\Include\Examples

Cache Tunning in Sitecore

To increase the performance of the Website, or the current cache size are not enough for load then we need to follow the cache tunning procedure. A Sitecore cache consumes memory based on the amount of data stored in the cache. Cache size defines the maximum application memory the cache can consume. The following instructions apply to all Sitecore caches. The very first steps are to ensure that we have set the initial cache values before tunning. Use the following table as a starting point for database and HTML output cache values. Set initial cache values before performing cache tuning procedures. Before configuring the initial values, go to the cache admin page using sitecore/admin/cache.aspx page you can verify that the values are the same or different. In this blog, I will describe How to add set initial cache values using patch files. How to patch: Add the below patch file to your project. The below patch file has a patch for Prefetc