
Showing posts from November, 2021

URL Redirects Module in Sitecore

In one of my projects, my client's requirement was to implement the URL Redirect feature from his existing SharePoint website to the New Sitecore website. My client suggested the "Constellation.Feature.Redirects"  Redirect module to accomplish the functionality.  In this blog, I am giving insight on this module installation, what features I have used and the challenges I have faced during implementation. I want to give a huge thanks to Richard Cabral aka Sgt Sitecore who guide and helped me with the implementation. Installation: To install the URL redirect module please find below the link in which all the steps are mentioned in detail:  Constellation.Feature.Redirects Steps: Constellation.Feature.Redirects are managed via NuGet. In Visual Studio, fire up the Package Manager console and install it into a Web Application project: PM:> Install-Package Constellation.Feature.Redirects After installation, you must build an

Pipeline Profiling Processors

Pipeline: It’s a sequence of processes that executes in a defined order to perform the task into Sitecore. In Sitecore, there is a number of inbuild pipelines and we add our custom pipelines into that. We can change the order of the pipelines as per our requirements. When we write our custom pipelines then it’s difficult to find out on deployment environment that it's executing or not. To check the sequence of execution there is a good feature provided by Sitecore is the Pipeline Profiler. The pipeline admin page is used to view all the pipeline processors that are defined into the Sitecore and the sequence in which they will execute. By default, The pipeline Profiler page is disabled, and you need to enable it manually. To enable Pipeline profiling, perform the below listed steps: Add the following key <add key="env:define" value="Profiling" /> to Web.config <appSettings> section. Login into the Sitecor