
Sitecore SearchStax SOLR High CPU Usages

Problem Statement: As part of the cloud infrastructure monitoring activities, the Sitecore Cloud Operations team identified an event and shared an email regarding the Sitecore Cloud Alert 'SearchStax CPU Usage.' We received alerts indicating that high CPU usage was detected on all nodes of the Solr deployment. Upon further investigation, the following observations were made: High CPU usage and system load High indexing activities  Solution: A CPU Usage alert is a Threshold Alert that notifies you via email when the CPU of your SearchStax Managed Search service deployment exceeds a specified threshold for a certain number of minutes. This triggers an Incident in the Managed Search Dashboard. Here are some recommendations to enhance SearchStax performance and improvement: 1. ContentSearch.SearchMaxResults/Lowering &rows=1000000 This setting determines the number of search results the search provider is asked to retrieve...

Hide Schema Properties in Sitecore Content Hub

Problem Statement: Due to certain business requirements, we create fields read-only or hide them from the author to avoid unnecessary confusion while ensuring business logic is implemented.  In Sitecore Content Hub, we create a field property from the Content-Type option, there is no way to hide it during the creation process. Solution: There are two types of members for content types: content members and detail members . Content members represent individual pieces of content and are editable on the content detail page. Detail members represent content metadata and can be hidden from the content detail page. To meet the above requirements, you can change the member type from content to detail by moving the member to the M.Content schema page. Next, you can update the entity details component to ensure this member does not appear on the page. Happy Sitecoreing  ðŸ˜Š

Export User Profile in Sitecore Content Hub

We are aware of the export of the Content and Asset entities in Content Hub, but no such OOTB option is available to export the User profiles. This requires customization. In this blog post, I explain how we can export the User profiles in Sitecore Content Hub.  Step 1: Create a Custom Export Profile See the blog post about the detailed steps on How you can create a Custom Export Profile in Sitecore Content Hub , Refer to the Export Profile Section. For exporting the user profile use the following export Profile script: In the above example, I am exporting ID, Identifier, Username, UserGroup, Module, and System Properties. You can customize it as per your requirements. Step 2: Create a Custom Export Page: Click on the Manage icon and choose the Pages option. Click on the Plus icon and create a new blank page. Provide a name, leave other fields as it is, and click on save. Step 3: Add the component to the Page: Click on the Export User ...

Force Reset Password in Sitecore CMS

Problem Statement: When a user logs into the Sitecore CMS, the system will first check the age of the user's password. If the password is less than 60 days old, the user will be redirected to the Sitecore CMS dashboard. However, if the password is 60 days or older, the user will be redirected to the "Change Password" page. This page includes fields for: The current password A new password Confirmation of the new password Then user must enter their current password, input a new password, and confirm it. The system will validate the entries: If the validation is successful, the user's password will update. Then user will be redirected to the login page and sign in with the new password. Solution: To have a solution to this you need to write a pipeline and processor within your project that handles the logic of password expiration. Step 1: Create a Custom Pipeline and Processor: Write a custom pipeline and pr...

Elasticsearch Request Failed Issue in Sitecore Content Hub

Problem Statement: After setting the default values in the content entity, it gives me an error when I attempt to create a new content type. However, it also creates a content entity after an error, and it works if I create a content entity, but while creating a content entity, it returns me an Elasticsearch request failed error. Error: Solution: Sitecore has investigated and identified this issue. It involves an issue with the Elasticsearch request and requires a graph rebuild to resolve. See the documentation for more information: Schema changes, inheritance, and the graph server FAQ: 1. Duration of Graph Rebuild and Downtime: How long does the graph rebuild process typically take, and how much downtime will be required for the PROD CH environment? The graph rebuild activity is estimated to take up to 2 hours to complete. During the process, Sitecore will back up the main index in the Elasticsearch deployment, as well as the ...

Validation Message in Sitecore Content Hub

Problem Statement: Display the validation error message when the save button is clicked. While creating or updating entities in Sitecore Content Hub, we may have requirements to validate the author inputs based on a pre-defined condition, such as image extensions not being allowed except PNG and JPEG, checkboxes must be checked, or field values not being empty. In this blog, I am taking an example of a validation message that triggers if a field value is empty. Solution: To implement this functionality, you need to perform the following steps: Step 1: Create a Script, paste the following script, and check whether the field value is null or empty. You can modify it as per your requirements. See the blog post to Create a Script, Action, and Trigger in Sitecore Content Hub . Step 2: Create an Action and choose the above script. Step 3: Create a Trigger and choose the execution type as “In process”. Select the condition using the respective ...

Embed BrightCove Video URL in Sitecore Content Hub

In continuation of utilizing to Sitecore Content Hub feature, one of our requirements was to embed the Brightcove video in Content. To integrate video in Sitecore Content Hub, the Content Hub Rich Text editor named the CKEditor provides functionality to upload the video to Content Hub and insert the video using the following button. Content Hub utilizes CK editor to edit the HTML content. After further analysis, I found that CKEditor tool only supports certain media providers, such as YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, and Spotify. It will not work with custom video links. More information is available here:  Media providers Unfortunately, we do not have any OOTB option to embed the Bright Cove video URL in Content. To work around that I decided that I would embed the video URL using <iframe> tag into the content or other HTML runtime on the save button click. Step 1: Create a new field in the Content Hub to allow the author to enter the video...

Set Default Values in Sitecore Content Hub DAM and CMP

It is the most common requirement in Content Hub to set the default values in fields. In this blog post, I will cover setting the default values in Sitecore content Hub DAM and CMP Modules.  DAM (Digital Asset Management) Module: 1. Go to the Manage icon. 2. On the Manage page click on the Pages. 3. On the Pages page in the left panel scroll down to the Create page, and from Layout choose the Creation component. 4. On the Creation Component page select Upload files and click on the Add value option 5. I am setting the default value in the Asset Description field, so I have selected the Description field and set the value 6. Now go to the Create page from the Ribbon bar navigation option and upload an Image and you will get the default value in your description field. CMP (Content Marketing Platform) Module: 1. Go to the Manage icon. 2. On the Manage page click on the Pages. 3. On the Pages page in the left panel scroll down to the Search page...

Custom Export Profile in Sitecore Content Hub

By default, in Sitecore Content Hub when we export the Content Entity, the exported Excel file includes all the fields. It's quite confusing when we want to read, analyze, and perform any operation on the data. The whole process uses Export Profile in the background. To export only specific fields into the Excel files we need to create a custom Export profile into Sitecore and Sitecore provides this functionality OOTB to create Custom Export profile. The following steps describe how to create a custom export profile for Content Entity and enable that particular export profile on the selection component of the search page. Create Export Profile: 1. Click on the manage icon, in the top right corner and choose the Export Profile option. 2. On the Export profile page, click on "+ Export Profile" and in the Export profile popup fill in the details: Name: Name of the Export Profile Definition: Entity Definition used for t...

Add Components to the Content Details Page in Sitecore Content Hub

In this blog post, I will guide you through the process of adding an Out-of-the-Box (OOTB) components to the content detail page. This addition will enable us to provide comprehensive details of an entity, for example, Entity History and State Flow component that will provide you information about the History of the Entity and State Flow details respectively. Add Entity State Flow Component: 1. Go to the Manage icon. 2. On the Manage page click on the Pages. 3. On the Pages page in the left panel scroll down to the Content Details page and select it. 4. On the Layout tab, scroll down and click on + component to add a new component. 5. In the next popup Enable the Visible option and change the UI visibility type It will be added to the Content Detail page You can click on the State Flow component and change or update the setting as per your requirement, I am leaving it as it is.  Add Entity History Component: 1. On the Pages page, select...

Sitecore Analytics Issues and Troubleshooting

After migrating an application from the SharePoint platform to Sitecore, observed that Marketing Applications such as Experience Analytics, Experience Profile, and Path Analyzer do not display data or an error. Experience Profile: Experience Analytics: Path Analyzer: There can be multiple reasons behind this issue. Any one of these reasons could be the cause, or several might apply to your situation. In this blog post, I will discuss all the possible reasons and provide troubleshooting steps to help you capture and view the Analytics data in Sitecore. 1. Certification Issue: For a deeper exploration of this topic, I have written a separate blog post that addresses this issue in detail. You can find the blog post here: Sitecore Analytics: The Certificate was not Found 2. Experience Profile does not display Data: After addressing the Certification Issue, I can see the analytics data in my Shard0 and Shard1 databases but contact is not displaying in...