Collect basic information about Sitecore installation

To get support from Sitecore, Sitecore team ask us to provide basic information about Sitecore website with other details like Log files, Web config, App config, etc for further
investigation. There is two way to generate this information either automatically or manually.

1.        Automatically:
·       For Sitecore XP 8.2 Initial Release — 8.2 Update-6, Sitecore XP 9.0 Initial Release and 9.0 Update-1:
<site name>/sitecore/admin/supportpackage.aspx
·       For Sitecore XP 8.2 Update-7, Sitecore XP 9.0 Update-2 and later:
<site name>/sitecore/admin/supportpackage
2.        Manually:
·       Create a new folder for store files.
·       Navigate to the website root folder copy the following files to the folder that you just created:
§  \web.config
§  All contents of the \App_Config
§  \Global.asax and \Global.asax.cs
§  \sitecore\shell\sitecore.version.xml
§  All contents of the \sitecore\shell\hotfixes folder (if it exists).
§  All contents of the \sitecore\shell\patches folder (if it exists).
·       Navigate to the Data folder of your Sitecore website. In the Data folder, copy the following files:
§  Log files from the \Data\logs
§  Sitecore counter files from the \Data\diagnostics

While generating support package Automatically, it can give you an error in the console in “main.bundle.js:1“ as below and would not be allowed you to generate the package.

After clicking on a Collect button it will show below error:

To overcome this issue we should take care of following things during the generation of Sitecore basic information package:
  1. Package name or ticket number should not have any illegal characters like ‘*’ symbol etc. 
  2. Open the "..App_Data \diagnostics\support_package” folder and remove all the existing packages from there.
  3. Now again try to collect support package via the "Support Package" admin page one more time with the default package name and check it will work.

Happy Sitecoreing ðŸ˜Š


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