
We had encounter the following error frequently in our application.

Problem Id:

System.NullReferenceException at Sitecore.SessionProvider.Redis.StackExchangeClientConnectionAsync+<EvalAsync>d__22.MoveNext

Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Exception type: System.NullReferenceException

Failed method:


Call Stack:

StackExchange.Redis DLL version: 2.1.58

The application is deployed on Sitecore Managed Cloud Service Azure PaaS and uses Redis app service.

I have applied the below fixes as well as the following articles but the issue is not resolved:

  1. Increased the min worker thread pool to 100
  2. Increased polling Interval to 60
  3. Tuned Redis Configuration as described here: Tuning Redis Configuration Settings
  4. Added sslprotocols=tls12 to Redis connection string
  5. Sitecore PAAS Redis Exception
  6. Azure Web App Redis timeout exceptions when under load


After investigation and Google, we have found that our web.config contains the following settings:

<add applicationname="private" compression="true" connectionpoolsize="1"
  connectionstring="redis.sessions" connectiontimeoutinmilliseconds="3000"
  name="redis" operationtimeoutinmilliseconds="5000" pollinginterval="60"
  pollingmaxexpiredsessionspersecond="20" retrytimeoutinmilliseconds="16000"
<add key="aspnet:AllowConcurrentRequestsPerSession" value="true"/>

Based on this information we can confirm that the reported behavior is a registered bug.

To track the future status of this bug report, please use reference number 505522. More information about public reference numbers can be found here: How to use public reference numbers

To workaround this issue, we consider setting aspnet:AllowConcurrentRequestsPerSession to false. Please note that it is also not recommended to enable aspnet:AllowConcurrentRequestsPerSession according to Sitecore doc as it might cause unexpected behavior such as data loss. For more information please refer to this documentation: Walkthrough: Configuring a private session state database using the Redis provider

However, if you wish to keep aspnet:AllowConcurrentRequestsPerSession enable, you could consider an upgrade to XP 10.3 as this bug is fully resolved in that version.


Happy Sitecoreing ðŸ˜Š


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