Sitecore Cumulative Hotfixes Installation on OnPrem and PaaS

In this blog post, I will discuss how to install the cumulative hotfix on Sitecore OnPrem and PaaS instances.

For example, Sitecore provided the Cumulative hotfix for Sitecore XP 10.2 and it's available for both XM and XP 10.2 instances.

Usually, to install the hotfix we use the Sitecore installation wizard, but such cumulative hotfixes are not intended to be installed using the Installation wizard.

Instead, we need to refer to the following articles describing how to install the hotfixes for OnPrem and PaaS instances:

  1. Install a Sitecore XP pre-release using SIF
  2. Deploy a Sitecore XP pre-release to a PaaS solution

My application has been deployed with Sitecore Managed Cloud Service (Azure PaaS).

I have found that there is less instruction about how to install the cumulative hotfix, so I decided to install it via project solution.


  1. Create one separate project in your solution named SitecoreHotfix.Patch or any other name convenient for you.
  2. Add all the cumulative hotfix package files in the same project with the correct file or folder path. cumulative-hotfix-1

Advantage: By using the above approach in the future if you want to switch to a higher version of Sitecore for example 10.2 => 10.3 then you can easily remove this project and no need to search individual hotfix files in the solution. For any additional hotfix from Sitecore then you can use the same project for hotfixes.

Note: You will need to tweak your CI/CD pipeline in such a way that these Hotfix project artifacts deploy at the end otherwise hotfix files will be overwritten, and you will start facing yellow error pages.

Happy Sitecoreing ðŸ˜Š


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