
Add Custom Fields in SOLR Index on Crawler

While upgrading the project from Sitecore version 8.2 to 10.2 I faced one scenario to convert the Lucene Search configuration to the SOLR. It’s easier to convert the Lucence configuration to the SOLR if all configurations are defined in the configuration files. You just need to change the type to the Solr Provider and configuration to the defaultSolrIndexConfiguration or if it does not default then define the custom Solr Index configuration . The problem occurs when the index file is generated at runtime and custom fields are added dynamically either on the pipeline or Search Crawler. In my case in Sitecore 8.2 lucence configuration fields were added in the document at runtime on SitecoreItemCrawler . Custom Crawler: Code was written on the custom crawler: Solution: To resolve the above issue and find the solution, I have explored Sitecore.ContentSearch DLL and found out it provides the below method in the IProviderUpdateContext interface.

Sitecore Identity Server: Sorry, There Was an Error

After restoring the upgraded database to the SQL, I tried to login into the Sitecore CMS. The identity server comes with an error " Sorry, there was an error " after successful login. I have checked the Identity server logs files and found the error:  CORS policy execution failed . Solution: Go to the {root-directory}\project-identityserver.local\Config\production and open Sitecore.IdentityServer.Host.xml file and verify the database name. If it is corrects, then check the <AllowedCorsOrigins> section. In my case it was related to the database name, I forget to update the database name and connection string in the identity server. Note: Do not forget to recycle the Identity Server App pool. Happy Sitecoreing  ðŸ˜Š

Sitecore Azure CDN Setup for Media

Sitecore website performance will impact if you have a large number of media items on pages and it comes from the media library. To increase performance, use a Microsoft Azure® Content Delivery Network (CDN) with Sitecore Media in your solution.  Here in this blog post, I am discussing how to configure the Azure CDN with your Sitecore solution so that your media library items are retrieved from the CDN and increase performance. If you are using Sitecore Managed Cloud Service then either you will already have CDN setup on your prod environment or you can create a service request to Sitecore to create an app service for CDN else you can refer to the Sitecore document about CDN setup considerations . Configuration In Sitecore: Before you can setup the Sitecore Media Library to use CDN in your solution you must have Sitecore XP or XM 9.1 or later CDN endpoint Step 1: Go to the path {your Sitecore root instance}\App_Config\Include\Examples

Dot NET Framework Migrator

While upgrading Sitecore to the latest version, updating the project framework is one of the major tasks. For example, If you are planning to upgrade Sitecore from a lower version to Sitecore 10.2 then in your visual studio you need to change the .net framework to 4.8. It is an easier task just to right-click on the project, go to the properties and select the Application option and change the Target framework. But this job becomes tedious if your Visual Studio Solution file has a large number of projects especially if it's a Helix-based solution. You can use an open-source Visual Studio extension tool named Target Framework Migrator . It Migrates all your .Net projects to another .Net Framework Version at once. With this extension, you can update all projects with one click. Once you install this tool it will be available in the Tools menu. Once you click on the Target Framework Migrator options, then in popup windows select the target .ne

Cache Tunning in Sitecore

To increase the performance of the Website, or the current cache size are not enough for load then we need to follow the cache tunning procedure. A Sitecore cache consumes memory based on the amount of data stored in the cache. Cache size defines the maximum application memory the cache can consume. The following instructions apply to all Sitecore caches. The very first steps are to ensure that we have set the initial cache values before tunning. Use the following table as a starting point for database and HTML output cache values. Set initial cache values before performing cache tuning procedures. Before configuring the initial values, go to the cache admin page using sitecore/admin/cache.aspx page you can verify that the values are the same or different. In this blog, I will describe How to add set initial cache values using patch files. How to patch: Add the below patch file to your project. The below patch file has a patch for Prefetc

Remove Launchpad Icons From Sitecore

This blog post is related to the upgrade approach of the Sitecore Database. There are plenty of documents available on Sitecore and other blog posts and articles about How to upgrade the Sitecore database, but this is different. I have an application in Sitecore 8.2 XP and it needs to be migrated to Sitecore 10.2 XM, please focus on instance XM instead of XP. Sitecore 8.2 XP instance launchpad as below:  Sitecore 10.2 XM instance launchpad as below: I have upgraded the Database using the SQL scripts provided by Sitecore here and now my Sitecore 10.2 XM instance launchpad is as below: Note: I have not published code yet on the Sitecore 10.2 XM instance, I have attached only the upgraded Database. So there are no config and other changes. I have also run the Sitecore UpdateApp Tool , after upgrading the database. Solution: To get rid of the Marketing Applications buttons on the Sitecore Launchpad, we can switch to the cor

Unicorn Login Issue with Azure

After upgradation the Sitecore project from version 8.2 to 10.2, I deployed the application on the Azure PASS environment. Everything was working perfectly fine and when I browsed the Unicorn.aspx page to sync the Sitecore items. It was asking me for the login. After clicking on the Sign in to Sitecore as an administrator and I entered the credential and it redirected me to the unicorn.aspx page with the same message. Solution: After some research, I have found that Sitecore 9.1 has introduced Sitecore Identity. Sitecore Identity (SI) is a mechanism to log in to Sitecore. It was introduced in Sitecore 9.1. It builds on the Federated Authentication functionality introduced in Sitecore 9.0 and the Sitecore Identity server, which is based on IdentityServer4. It provides a separate identity provider and allows you to set up SSO (Single Sign-On) across Sitecore services and applications. Then I explored the configs under the unicorn folder in my proj

Experience Analytics console error in Sitecore XM Vanilla instance

When you will install the Sitecore 10.2 XM, you might get a console error in Experience Analytics JS in the Sitecore XM launchpad vanilla environment. It sounds weird that in Sitecore XM experience analytics play any role. As per the Sitecore documents Experience Analytics features are incompatible with Experience Manager if it has been installed using XM packages.  Sitecore XP feature compatibility in XM Scaled packages So I came with a few doubts and questions: If there is no role for Experience Analytics then what is the use of ExperienceAnalytics.js? If we do not have any uses of Experience Analytics in Sitecore XM then can we remove this JS and solve the console error issue? Then I raised a support ticket to Sitecore, to get the answer. Sitecore Response: Thank you for contacting Sitecore Support. I was able to reproduce the issue locally. So this behavior was registered as a bug in our bug tracking system. Thank you for repor

Sitecore Managed Cloud Services Client with IP address '' is not allowed to access the server

After a successful deployment of the application on an MCS environment. I started facing an issue on CMS regarding the client IP address '' is not allowed to access the server. I have uploaded the upgraded Sitecore Master, Core, and Web database and changed it into the connection string. I was not using the default Sitecore 10.2 MCS database. Solution: The issue looks related to configuration of your Azure SQL Server "mc-********-***-****-****-****-sql". If you navigate: mc-********-***-****-****-****-sql -> "Security" section -> "Networking" tab we can see that the "Allow Azure services and resources to access this server" checkbox is unchecked. Thus, web apps cannot connect to databases without explicitly allowing their IP (which may change). For resolving the issue, please consider checking/enabling the mentioned checkbox. Happy Sitecoreing  ðŸ˜Š

Sitecore : The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped message

While upgradation to Sitecore 10.2, I was to restore the database on the Managed Cloud Service Azure SQL Server. I have connected the Azure SQL server on my local SSMS and started to import the Database using the option Import Data-tier Application. While importing the database using the above option you need a BACPAC file instead of a .bak file. So I was to create a BACPAC file of the database from my local. Go to the database, right-click and select the Export Data-tier Application option under the Task menu. After clicking on the next, while creating the BACPAC file you may get the below error: Solution: Go to the Users in that Database. Your Database => Security => Users Find the user, right click and delete it. If you are unable to delete the user and encountered a new error as below: It means the user you are going to delete owns a schema in the database and owners. First, you need to search which schemas own

Sitecore Horizon "OpenIdConnect" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Not authenticated"

If you want to install Horizon and facing some pre-post installation issues and looking for fixes, then my previous blogs can help you. Install Horizon 10.2 with Sitecore XM Sitecore Horizon Issue Pre and Post installation Error: Go to the log file path of Horizon C:\inetpub\wwwroot\horizon.sc102.local\logs , and open the log file. Detailed Error: Solution: From the detailed error log, the issue is more related to OpenIdConnect and Authoring . I have checked the OpenIdConnect.xml file from the path in the horizon directory i.e. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\horizon.sc102.local\Config and opened the file. In this file, you can find that configuration is related to the Identity Server URL, which means the Sitecore Identity Server is not working. As the Sitecore Horizon interface is login worked automatically by Sitecore SSO with Identity Server. In my case, my Sitecore Licence expired and I have updated it to all instances except Identity Serv